Sinopec Chemical Commercial Holding Company LimITed (hereinafter referred to as “SCCHC”), a subsidiary of Sinopec Corp., is engaged in overall planning, mARKeting, sales, logistics and customer service of Sinopec’s petrochemical ProduCTs, procurement and supply of petrochemical feedstock for Sinopec’s manufacturing facilities, and investment in logistics facilities and overseas petrochemical business.
SCCHC is Asia’s largest company specialized in petrochemical trading, with an annual sales volume of more than 43 million tons. MAIn products include synthetic resin, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber monomers ,synthetic fiber and polymers, organic chemical feedstock, fertilizer and natural rubber, etc., many products take the lead in market share in China.
Headquartered in Beijing, SCCHC has set up four regional companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan, respectively in charge of sales and marketing in four regions -- North China, East China, South China and Central China. SCCHC Jiangsu Company was established for chemicals storage and retail. Sinopec International (Hong Kong) Co., LTD and its three representative offices in Vietnam, Taiwan and Singapore undertake international business. The 28 domestic representative offices in major consuming markets of China were bUIlt with transit warehouses for market accessibility and customer convenience.
SCCHC has established a nation-leading E-platform, based on ERP system and integrated with the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System, the Logistics Information System (LIS), the Business Information Warehouse (BW) System and the IC electronic delivery order system, to provide all-round support for its business operation and management. By means of advanced call center and CRM platform, the customer service center realizes one-stop consultation service, real-time communication with customers, and on-line search of key information such as customer order, current account, and payment balance, etc. Supported by Sinopec manufacturing Enterprises, R&D institutes and application research center, SCCHC has built a consolidated MPR (Marketing, Production and Research institutes) technical service system, to provide the customers with professional product solutions.
SCCHC has established China’s industry-leading chemical logistics management system and HSE standards, which covers wholeprocess management on transportation, storage, delivery and other ASPects of chemical logistics, and provides customized multilEVEl, high-efficiency, low-cOST logistics solutions. SCCHC has built strategic partnerships with many well-established logistics service providers and achieved an annual volume of more than 15 million tons. The company has also built and rent more than 70 transit warehouses, owned 4500 rail tankers, four liQuid-product tank farms with jetties along the Yangtze River, with a total capacity of 320,000 cubic meters. The logistics services can cover the whole country. The shipping routes of liquefied ethylene carriers invested by SCCHC eXtend to markets of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other Southeast countries and regions.
SCCHC’s logistics management platform, based on LIS system and integrated data from ERP, CRM, IC card, TMIS (railway) and GPS (highway and waterway) systems, automatically track and monitor its operation process, so as to manage dynamic administration and static retrOActive analysis. In addition, our information service via mobile text message platform delivers more convenient services to customers.
Business Philosophy
Adhering to Sinopec’s operation principles of “Integrity,Standar dization,and cooperation,Win-Win”, SCCHC is committed to customercentered service, market-oriented operation, network building and brand building. We leverage the advantages of upstream-downstream integration to provide high-quality products and services, seeking mutual growth with our customers by creating added value. Actively riding the industrial cyclical changes, we are dedicated to becoming a world leading petrochemicals supplier.
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